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Monterotondo Marittimo


Monterotondo Marittimo, set on the north-western point of the Province of Grosseto, was founded by the Alberti counts in the XII century, establishing here their residence and building here a castle, whose remains are still visible.
Near there is the Boraciferous Lake, where the natural phenomenon of the boraciferous geysers can be seen.
According to tradition, the Sanctuary of Madonna del Frassine, the most important of the Maremma area, was built in the 15th century at the place where a wooden statue depicting the Madonna and Child was found amongst the branches of an ash tree. The statue, which came from Africa, was said to have been brought to the Maremma area by St. Cerbone and St. Regulo.
The Church of San Lorenzo, with a beautuful early XVI century painting, picturing "Madonna in trono con Bambino e angeli", is interesting too.
Finally we suggest a visit to the Naturalistic Park of the biancane, symbol of the deep link between Monterotondo Marittimo and the geothermal.


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