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Ravello Festival 2007




From Friday 29th June to Sunday 1st July, Villa Rufolo Auditorium
XXII Seminario d'Estate
La Passione organizzativa
Reporters: Simona Argentieri, Enrico Bertolino, Remo Bodei, Umberto Galimberti, Helio Matar, Federica Olivares, Alberto Oliverio, Anna Oliverio Ferraris, Enzo Rullani, Luiz Henrique da Silveira
Chairmen: Gianfranco Imperatori, Maria Grazia Falciatore, Domenico De Masi
Organized by S3.Studium
Conferences from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. and from 16.00 p.m. to 18.00 p.m.
From Friday 29th June to Sunday 30th September, Villa Rufolo
La Passione secondo ABO
Cento giorni di mostre a cura di Achille Bonito Oliva
Coordination: Gianluca Ranzi
Vernissage, Friday 29th June, at 12.00 a.m.

Villa Rufolo Halls
Carol Rama - Trenta opere dal 1936 al 1950 e dagli anni Ottanta ad oggi; fotografie dell'artista, video e interviste

Co-curatore: Irma Arestizabal

Villa Rufolo Chapel
Susy Gómez - Atardecer sobre mesas al revés (2001-2002)
Berni Searle - Snow White (2001)
Pilar Albarracín - Bailaré sobre tu tumba (2004)
Elizabeth Aro - La poesia de Oliverio Girondo y Pareja de musgo (2000)
Nan Goldin - Opere fotografiche
Luzia Simons - Stockage 10 (2005)
Tracey Moffatt - Love (2003); Lip (1999)

Villa Rufolo Inferior Cloister
Liliana Moro - Nuova installazione (2007)

Villa Rufolo Greater Tower
Betty Bee - Il senso della confessione (2001)
Yoko Ono - Onochord Documentary (2004); Ravello amore mio (2007)

Admission ticket

Friday 29th June, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 19.30
Symphonic Music
Orchestra del Teatro Regio di Parma
Director: Inma Shara
Musics of Berlioz, Caikovskij, Prokof'ev
Central Tribune € 50, Lateral Tribune € 40 - Gardens € 30

Friday 29th June, Piazza Duomo, at 22.00
Meeting with the singer Mario Biondi

Saturday 30th June, Villa Rufolo Chapel, at 12.00
Meeting with the conductor
Inma Shara
Free Entrance

Saturday 30th June, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 22.00
Special Events
Mario Biondi
in concert
Central tribune € 40, Lateral tribune € 30 - Gardens € 25

From Sunday 1st July to Sunday 30th September, Villa Rufolo
Oscar Niemeyer: nascita di un auditorium
La storia del capolavoro regalato dal grande maestro brasiliano a Ravello, riletta attraverso i suoi disegni e i suoi progetti
Vernissage, Sunday 1st July, at 12.00

Admission ticket

Sunday 1st July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Chamber Music
Solisti dell'Orchestra del Teatro Regio di Parma
Musics: Wagner and Brahms
Ticket € 25

From Monday 2nd July to Sunday 8th July, Villa Rufolo, at 19.00 - 24.00
Musica e poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
A selection of recorded pieces will accompany the visitors when concerts are not programmed.
Cured by Carlo Torlontano
Admission Ticket

Tuesday 3rd July, Hotel Rufolo, at 17.30
Tè con l'Autore - Speciale Scienza a cura di Luigi Amodio
Macchine o Persone? Sviluppi della bionica e dell'emotional computing
Incontro con Guglielmo Tamburini (docente di Filosofia della Scienza, Università Federico II, Napoli)
In collaboration with Fondazione Idis - Città della Scienza
Entrance on reservation

Tuesday 3rd July, Villa Rufolo Inferior Cloister, at 17.30 e 22.00
CineMusic - Bloomsburyana
Camera con vista (1985) - 105'
by James Ivory
Admission Ticket

Tuesday 3rd July, Villa Rufolo, at 19.30
Special Events
A Voyage in Wine and Music
Filomena Musco, soprano
Eugenio Fels, piano
Musics of Pergolesi, Mozart, Rossini, Bellini, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt, Saint-Saëns, Verdi, Satie, Bernstein
- Tasting of tipical local products
Cured by Azienda Autonoma Soggiorno e Turismo of Maiori
From an idea of Officine Zephiro - Amalfi
Entrance on reservation

Wednesday 4th July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Chamber Music
Wagner Wunderkammer
Antonello Cannavale and Francesco Caramiello: piano
Wagnerian transcriptions of Debussy, Tausig, Reger, Singer
Ticket € 25

Thursday 5th July, Hotel Palazzo Sasso, at 17.30
Formazione - Tè con l'Autore
Meeting with the writer Jonathan Coe
Author of the novel La pioggia prima che cada (Feltrinelli)
Entrance on reservation

Thursday 5th July, Villa Rufolo, at 21.00
CineMusic Ragazzi
Ticket € 1

Friday 6th July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks
Tenco a tempo di Tango
A Carlo Lucarelli and Giorgio Uguzzoli's show
With Adolfo Margiotta e Mascia Foschi
Musics: Luigi Tenco, Carlos Gardel and Alessandro Nidi
Director: Gigi Dall'Aglio
Ticket: € 20

Saturday 7th July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Special Events
Sharon Isbin, guitar
Gaudencio Thiago de Mello, drums
Musis of Granados, Albeniz, Brouwer, Thiago de Mello...

Ticket € 25

Sunday 8th July, Villa Cimbrone, at 17.30
Formazione - Tè con l'Autore
Il Campiello a Ravello
The finalists of Premio Campiello meet the public of the Ravello Festival

In collaboration with
Fondazione Il Campiello
Entrance on reservation

Sunday 8th July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks
Concerto con gli allievi dei corsi di perfezionamento dell'Accademia Chigiana di Siena
In collaboration with
Ticket € 20

From Monday 9th to Sunday 15th July, Villa Rufolo, at 19.00 - 24.00
Musica e poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
A selection of recorded pieces will accompany the visitors when concerts are not programmed.
Cured by Carlo Torlontano
Admission Ticket

Tueday 10th July, Villa Rufolo Inferior Cloister, at 17.30 e 22.00
CineMusic - Bloomsburyana
Un tè con Mussolini (1999) - 120'
di Franco Zeffirelli
Admission Ticket

Wednesday 11th July, Villa Rufolo Chapel, at 12.00
Meeting with the musicians
Katia Labeque, Viktoria Mullova, Giovanni Sollima
Free Entrance

Wednesday 11th July, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 22.00
Across the Universe of Language
Tribute to Beatles for music and images
B For Bang
Katia Labèque, piano - rhodes
Viktoria Mullova, violin
Giovanni Sollima, cello
David Chalmin (electric guitar), Massimo Pupillo (contrabass), Marque Gilmore (drums), Nicola Tescari (electric piano), TBA (voice)
Arrangements: Nicola Tescari, Giovanni Sollima, David Chalmin
Director: Fabio Massimo Iacquone
Central Tribune € 40, Lateral Tribune € 30 - Gardens € 25

Thursday 12th July, Villa Rufolo, at 17.30
Formazione - Tè con l'Autore
La Passione secondo Madame Bovary, Anna Karenina, Medea, Otello...
Impossible interviews cured by Remo Bassetti , director of the review"Il giudizio universale"
In collaboration with Hotel Parsifal and L'Anfitrione Catering Service, Ravello
Entrance on reservation

Thursday 12th July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks - Musica e poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
L'amore cosmico
Ugo Pagliai, voice
Sergio Patria, cello
Elena Ballario, piano
Ticket € 20

Friday 13th July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks
Lontano da Berlino
Karin Schmidt, voice
Paolo Alderighi, piano
Musics of Kurt Weill
Ticket € 20

Saturday 14th July, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 22.00
Rudra Bejart Lausanne
Nouveau Spectacle de Maurice Béjart (2007)
Central Tribune € 50, Lateral Tribune € 40 - Gardens € 30

Sunday 15th July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks
Un Peer Gynt da camera
Text of Luigi Maio (from Ibsen)
Music of Edvard Grieg (reductions of L. Maio)
Luigi Maio, director
Andrea Bacchetti, piano
Ticket € 20

From Monday 16th to Sunday 22th July, Villa Rufolo, at 19.00 - 24.00
Musica e poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
A selection of recorded pieces will accompany the visitors when concerts are not programmed.
Cured by Carlo Torlontano
Admission Ticket

Tuesday 17th July, Villa Rufolo Inferior Cloister, at 17.30 and 22.00
CineMusic - Bloomsburyana
Maurice (1987) - 140'
by James Ivory
Admission Ticket

Wednwsday 18th July, Hotel Caruso, at 17.30
Formazione - Tè con l'Autore
La Passione della letteratura
Meeting with the writer Fernanda Pivano
Entrance on reservation

Wednesday 18th July, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 22.00
Special Events
Paolo Fresu Devil Quartet
Paolo Fresu (trumpet, saxhorn), Bebo Ferra (electric guitar),
Paolino dalla Porta (contrabass), Morten Lund (drums)
Tribune € 30 - Gardens € 25

Thursday 19th July, Hotel Palumbo, at 17.30
Formazione - Tè con l'Autore
Passione per l'Italia
Meeting with foreign journalists
Maike Albath (Deutschland Radio), Marcelle Padovani (Le Nouvel Observateur), CristinaGonzalez (El Periodico), Courtney Walsh (Business Week; Fox News), Philip Willan (Sunday Herald; The Guardian)
Entrance on reservation

Thursday 19th July, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 21.00
CineMusic Ragazzi
Di che musica sei?
Allegria, tristezza, bontà e... cattiveria in 7 piccole note
Solisti dell'Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Ticket € 1

Friday 20th July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks
Da questa parte del mare
Gian Maria Testa, guitar and voice
Gabriele Mirabassi, clarinet
Ticket € 20

Saturday 21st July,Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 19.30
Symphonic Music
Orchestra e Coro del Teatro Nazionale dell'Opera di Vilnius
Director: Jacek Kaspszyk
Richard Wagner, Die Walküre ("La Walkiria")
Execution in form of concert
Cast: A. Rubezius, V. Prudnikovas, J. Duisburg, I. Linaburgyte, N. Kazlauskaite-Kazlaus, L. Rackauskaite, V. Moncyte, J. Stupnianek, J. Gedmintaite, A. Buzaite, J. Prakelyte, I. Prudnikovaite, L. Rackauskaite, E. Klivickaite
Central tribune € 50, lateral tribune € 40 - Gardens € 30
During the interval tasting of local wine, cured by AAST of Maiori

Sunday 22nd July, Villa Rufolo Chapel, at 12.00
Meeting with the actors
Sonia Bergamasco e Fabrizio Gifuni
Free Entrance

Sunday 22nd July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Special Events
I Kiss your Hands
Catalogo semiserio delle lettere mozartiane
Teller: Sonia Bergamasco, Fabrizio Gifuni
Rita Marcotulli (piano), Gianluigi Trovesi (sax and clarinet), Paolo Damiani (contrabass)
Tribune € 30 - Gardens € 25

Monday 23rd July,Villa Rufolo Inferior Cloister, at 17.30 and 22.00
CineMusic - Bloomsburyana
Lady Chatterley (1993) - 110'
di Ken Russell
Admission Ticket

From Monday 23rd to Sunday 29th July, Villa Rufolo, at 19.00 - 24.00
Musica e poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
A selection of recorded pieces will accompany the visitors when concerts are not programmed.
Cured by Carlo Torlontano
Admission Ticket

Monday 23rd July, Piazza Duomo, at 22.00
Meeting with the dancers
Alessandra Ferri e Roberto Bolle
Free Entrance

Tuesday 24th July, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 22.00
Alessandra Ferri & Roberto Bolle
Gala of Dance
With Silvia Azzoni, Maxim Beloserkovsky, Alen Bottaini, Lisa-Maree Cullum, Irina Dvorovenko, Maria Eichwald, Alexander Riabko, Robert Tewsley
Central tribune € 50, Lateral tribune € 40 - Gardens € 30

Wednesday 25th July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Passeggiate Musicali
Crazy Rag Blues
Raphael Gualazzi Trio
Raphael Gualazzi (piano)
Emanuele Cecchetelli (drums), Alex Gorbi (contrabass)
In collaboration with the festival "Un viaggio oltre le note", Castel San Giorgio
Ticket € 20

Thursday 26th July, Villa Rufolo, at 17.30
Formazione - Tè con l'Autore
Passioni dal profondo Sud
Meeting with the writers Lucrezia Lerro
Author of the novel Il rimedio perfetto (Bompiani)
and Mariolina Venezia, author of the novel Mille anni che sto qui (Einaudi)
In collaboration with Hotel Parsifal and L'Anfitrione Catering Service, Ravello
Entrance on reservation

Thursday 26th July, Villa Rufolo, at 21.00
CineMusic Ragazzi
Ticket € 1

Friday 27th July, Piazza Duomo, at 21.30
Fireworks for the Saint's Day Festival (San Pantaleone)

Saturday 28th July, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 22.00
Special Events
Avion Travel in concert
Musics of Paolo Conte, Avion Travel
Central tribune € 40, Lateral tribune € 30 - Gardens € 25

Sunday 29th July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Chamber Music
Il sogno di Ludwig
Chiara Muti, teller and director
Paolo Restani, piano
Luigi Martinucci, visual effects
Transcriptions by Richard Wagner and original musics by Franz Liszt

Ticket € 25

Monday 30th July, Villa Rufolo Inferior Cloister, at 12.00
Selezione dei videoclip partecipanti al Premio Ravello ClipMusic 2007
Entrance on reservation

Monday 30th July, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks - Musica e Poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
Storie di tango e di passioni
Amanda Sandrelli, teller
Cesare Chiacchiaretta, bandoneon
Giampaolo Bandini, guitar
Ticket € 20

Tuesday 31st July, Villa Rufolo Auditorium, at 12.00
ClipMusic - Incontri
La Passione nel videoclip
Meeting with Enrico Luzzi and Andrea Marini, finalists of Premio ClipMusic 2006
Entrance on reservation

Tuesday 31st July, Hotel Rufolo, at 17.30
Tè con l'Autore - Speciale Scienza a cura di Luigi Amodio

Evoluzione vs Creazione
Meeting with the philosopher Telmo Pievani and the theologian Gennaro Matino
In collaboration with Fondazione Idis - Città della Scienza
Entrance on reservation

Tuesday 31st July, Villa Rufolo Inferior Cloister, at 17.30 and 22.00
CineMusic - Bloomsburyana
Mrs Dalloway (1997) - 97'
by Marleen Gorris
Admission ticket

Tuesday 31st July, Villa Rufolo, at 19.00 - 24.00
Musica e poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
A selection of recorded pieces will accompany the visitors when concerts are not programmed.
Cured by Carlo Torlontano
Admission Ticket


Wednesday 1st August, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks
Giù fino al paradiso
ovvero...La passione secondo Billie
Homage to Billie Holiday
Show by and with Laura Conti (singer and teller)
Gianni Cazzola Quartet
Ticket € 20

Thursday 2nd August, Villa Eva, at 17.30
Formazione - Tè con l'Autore
La passione per il viaggio
Meeting with the actor and writer Giuseppe Cederna
Entrance on reservation

Thursday 2nd August, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 22.00
Premio ClipMusic 2007: projection of the finalist videoclip
Shine (1996) - 110'
di Scott Hicks
Presentation by Peppe D'Antonio
Ticket € 5

Friday 3rd August, Villa Cimbrone
CineMusic - Bloomsburyana
Ore 17.30
Inauguration of the exhibition
"Violet, Vita e Virginia: passaggi a Ravello..."
Cured by Tiziana Masucci
The exhibition will be opened until 30 September
Passione e Scrittura: Eco di Violet Trefusis
Meeting with Ana Zamorano Rueda and Tiziana Masucci
Admission ticket

Friday 3rd August, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Chamber Music
Solisti dell'Orchestra del Teatro Regio di Parma
Musics of Mendelssohn and Verdi
Ticket € 25

Saturday 4th August, Villa Rufolo Inferior Cloister, at 17.30
Speciale Nino Rota
Cured by Lina Wertmuller
Film d'amore e d'anarchia (1973) - 109'
by Lina Wertmuller
Presentation: Peppe D'Antonio
Ticket € 5

Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 21.30
Serata di consegna del Premio
Ravello CineMusic 2007 "Nino Rota"
Cabaret Rota
Nino Rota's songs on verses of Elsa Morante, Eduardo De Filippo, Sergio Tofano, Antonio Amurri, Lina Wertmuller...
with Mauro Gioia
Direction: Alfredo Arias
Arrangements and direction: Tonino Esposito
Lights: Cesare Accetta
Scene: Sergio Tramonti
Tribune € 30 - Gardens € 25

Sunday 5th August, Villa Rufolo, at 19.30
Chamber Music
Fernando Sor a colori
Roland Dyens, guitar
Quartetto d'archi del Festival di Gubbio
In collaboration with Reisetipps Italia Tour Operator
Ticket € 25

Sunday 5th August, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 22.00
Premio ClipMusic 2007: projection of the winner videoclip and awarding of prize
Billy Elliot (2000) - 110'
by Stephen Daldry
Presentation: Peppe D'Antonio
Ticket € 5

Monday 6th August, Villa Cimbrone, at 17.30
CineMusic - Bloomsburyana
Lytton Strachey e gli eminenti letterati in vacanza
Meeting with Sir Michael Holroyd
Admission ticket

Villa Rufolo Inferior Cloister, at 17.30 and 22.00
Carrington (1995) - 122'
by Christopher Hampton
taken from Michael Holroyd's novel Lytton Strachey,
Admission ticket

From Monday 6th to Sunday 12th August, Villa Rufolo, at 19.00 - 24.00
Musica e poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
A selection of recorded pieces will accompany the visitors when concerts are not programmed.
Cured by Carlo Torlontano
Admission Ticket

Monday 6th August, Atrani,

Piazzetta, at 18.00
Musical aperitif

Atrani's beach, at 22.00
ClipMusic 2007: festa di chiusura. Musica dal vivo e dj set
Free Entrance

Thursday 7th August, Villa Cimbrone, at 17.30
CineMusic - Bloomsburyana

Virginia Woolf: a writer's portrait
Meeting with Julia Briggs and Nadia Fusini
Appassionate lettere
From Violet Trefusis's correspondence
Lina Wertmuller, teller
Admission ticket

Villa Rufolo Inferior Cloister, at 17.30 and 22.00
Orlando (1992) - 92'
by Sally Potter
Admission ticket

Wednesday 8th August, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Chamber Music

Giovanni Bellucci, piano
Musics: Wagner-Liszt, Beethoven, Berlioz-Liszt
Ticket € 25

Tuesday 9th August, Villa Cimbrone, at 17.30
Formazione - Tè con l'Autore
Scomposizione di una passione fatale: Giulietta e Romeo a Catania
Meeting with the writer Ottavio Cappellani
Author of the novel Sicilian Tragedi (Mondadori)
Entrance on reservation

Tuesday 9th August, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks
Il canto liberato soffiando la conchiglia del cuore
Music and text: Enzo and Lorenzo Mancuso
Enzo Mancuso (voice, guitar, hurdy-gurdy, saz, tar, viella), Lorenzo Mancuso (voice, guitar, harmonium, drums), Luciano Biondini (accordion), Mosè Chiavoni (clarinet, sax, duduk)
Ravello Festival Commission
Ticket € 20

Friday 10th August, Piazza Duomo, at 19.30
Meeting with the pianist
Giovanni Allevi

Friday 10th August, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 22.00
Symphonic Music

Il gioco dell'emozione e della regola: come lavora un'orchestra
Orchestra Filarmonica Salernitana "Giuseppe Verdi"
Director: Aurelio Canonici
Final Run.through before Concerto all'alba
Ticket € 5

San Lorenzo's Night
Saturday 11th August, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 4.15
Symphonic Music
Concerto all'alba
Orchestra Filarmonica Salernitana "Giuseppe Verdi"
Director: Aurelio Canonici
Musics: Martucci, Rossini, Brahms, Schumann,
Debussy, Caikovskij, Grieg
Central tribune € 50, Lateral Tribune € 40 - Gardens € 30

Saturday 11th August, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 22.00
Special Events
Giovanni Allevi, pianist and director
Luigi Piovano, cellist and director
Orchestra da Camera della Campania
Musics: Giovanni Allevi
Central tribune € 40, Lateral Tribune € 30 - Gardens € 25

Sunday 12th August, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks
Born in the USA: l'America del rock
Miami & the Groovers
Musics: Bruce Springsteen, Bob Seger
Ticket € 20

From Monday 13th to Sunday 19th August, Villa Rufolo, at 19.00 - 24.00
Musica e poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
A selection of recorded pieces will accompany the visitors when concerts are not programmed.
Cured by Carlo Torlontano
Admission Ticket

Thursday 14th August, Villa Rufolo Inferior Cloister, at 17.30 and 22.00
CineMusic - Bloomsburyana
Tom & Viv - Nel bene e nel male, per sempre (1994) - 125'
by Brian Gilbert
Admission ticket

Tuesday 16th August, Hotel Palumbo, at 17.30
Formazione - Tè con l'Autore
Divine Passioni
Meeting with the writer Eva Cantarella,
author of the novel L'amore è un dio (Feltrinelli)
Entrance on reservation

Tuesday 16th August, Villa Rufolo, at 21.00
CineMusic Ragazzi
Ticket € 1

Friday 17th August, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 22.00
Special Events
Stefano Bollani, piano
In collaboration with "Angeli Musicanti"
Central tribune € 40, Lateral tribune € 30 - Gardens € 25

Saturday 18th August, Villa Rufolo Chapel, at 12.00
Meeting with the saxophonist
Branford Marsalis
Free Entrance

Saturday 18th August, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 19.30
Symphonic Music
Sinfonieorchester Wuppertal
Director: Toshiuky Kamioka
Saxophonist: Branford Marsalis
Musics: Wagner, Glazunov, Villa Lobos
Central tribune € 50, Lateral tribune € 40 - Gardens € 30

Sunday 19th August, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Chamber music
Nina Kotova, violoncello
Fabio Bidini, piano
Musics: Prokof'ev, Cassadò, Rachmaninov
Ticket € 25

From Monday 20th to Sunday 26th August, Villa Rufolo, at 19.00 - 24.00
Musica e poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
A selection of recorded pieces will accompany the visitors when concerts are not programmed.
Cured by Carlo Torlontano
Admission Ticket

Thursday 21st August, Villa Rufolo Inferior Cloister, at 17.30 and 22.00
CineMusic - Bloomsburyana
Casa Howard (1992) - 137'
by James Ivory
Admission ticket

Wednesday 22nd August, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks
Ringe Ringe Raja in concert
Klezm'n'roll music
Ticket € 20

Tuesday 23rd August, Villa Eva, at 17.30
Formazione - Tè con l'autore
La Passion predominante
Meeting with the writer Ariadne von Schirach,
author of the novel Il ballo intorno al desiderio
Entrance on reservation

Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
La notte della Passion predominante...
Music, eros and poetry
Anna Bonaiuto and Andrea Renzi, tellers
Choreography: Salvator Spagnolo
Ticket € 20

Friday 24th August, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Chamber Music
Christian Lindberg, trombone
Roland Pöntinen, piano
Musics: Lindberg (original and transcripted pages from Schumann, Prokof'ev, Stravinsky, J. Strauss son)
Ticket € 25

Saturday 25th August, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 19.30
Symphonic Music
Quattro + Quattro Stagioni
I Cameristi del Teatro alla Scala
Director and cellist: Francesco Manara
Musics : Vivaldi and Piazzolla
Central tribune € 50, Lateral tribune € 40 - Gardens € 30

Sunday 26th August,Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks
Ex Voto Zurzolo Band
Sacro e profano in jazz...
Marco Zurzolo (sax), Alessandro Tedesco (trombone), Matteo Franza (trumpet), Alberto D'Anna (drums), Davide Costagliola (contrabass), Vincenzo Danise (piano)
Ticket € 20

From Monday 27th August to Sunday 2nd September, Villa Rufolo, at 19.00 - 24.00
Musica e poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
A selection of recorded pieces will accompany the visitors when concerts are not programmed.
Cured by Carlo Torlontano
Admission Ticket

Thurday 28th August, Villa Rufolo, at 21.00
CineMusic Ragazzi
Ticket € 1

Wednesday 29th August, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Chamber Music
Laura Manzini (piano), Laura Gorna (violin), Cecilia Radic (cello)
Musics: Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Johannes Brahms
Ticket € 25

Tuesday 30th August, Hotel Caruso, at 17.30
Tè con l'Autore - Speciale Scienza cured by Luigi Amodio
Passioni bestiali! Amore e sesso nel mondo animale
Meeting with Giorgio Celli
In collaboration with Fondazione Idis - Città della Scienza
Entrance on reservation

Tuesday 30th August, Villa Rufolo, at 21.00
CineMusic Ragazzi
Ticket € 1

Friday 31st August, Villa Rufolo Chapel, at 12.00
Meeting with the director
Pappi Corsicato
Free Entrance

Friday 31st August, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Musical walks
La Voix Humaine
Francis Poulenc's lyric tragedy
Soprano: Maria Ercolano - Pianist: Antonio Maione
Director: Pappi Corsicato
Lights: Cesare Accetta
Co-production Centro di Musica Antica "Pietà de' Turchini" - Ravello Festival
Ticket € 20


Saturday 1st September, Villa Rufolo Chapel, at 12.00
Meeting with the conductor
Antonio Florio
Free Entrance

Saturday 1st September, Rufolo Belvedere, at 19.30
Special Events
La Passione di Cristo
Orator: Antonio Caldara
Cappella della Pietà de' Turchini
Director: Antonio Florio
Soledad Cardoso, Valentina Varriale (sopranoes); Ernesto Tres Palacios e Leopoldo Punziano (tenors); Filippo Minaccia (controtenor)
Central tribune € 40, Lateral tribune € 30 - Gardens € 25

Sunday 2nd September, Villa Rufolo, at 19.30

Musical walks - Musica e Poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
Operetta mon amour
Elio Pandolfi, voice
Marco Scolastra, piano
Ticket € 20

From Monday 3rd to Saturday 8th September, Villa Rufolo, at 19.00 - 24.00
Musica e poesia nel Giardino di Klingsor
A selection of recorded pieces will accompany the visitors when concerts are not programmed.
Cured by Carlo Torlontano
Admission Ticket

Thursday 4th September, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Chamber Music
Cento anni Grieg
Oslo String Quartet
Celebrative concert for the centellina of Edvard Grieg's death
In collaboration with Reale Ambasciata di Norvegia
Ticket € 25

Wednesday 5th September, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Chamber Music
Concerto con gli allievi dei corsi di perfezionamento dell'Accademia Musicale Chigiana di Siena
In collaboration with LOGO AMCS
Ticket € 20

Tuesday 6th September, Hotel Villa Maria, at 17.30
Formazione - Tè con l'Autore
The finalists of Premio Napoli meet the public of Ravello Festival
In collaboration with Fondazione Premio Napoli
Entrance on reservation

Tuesday 6th September, Villa Rufolo, at 21.00
CineMusic Ragazzi
Ticket € 1

Friday 7th September, Villa Rufolo Chapel, at 12.00
Meeting with the musicians
Dimitry Sitkovetsky and Gabriela Montero
Free Entrance

Friday 7th September, Villa Rufolo, at 22.00
Chamber Music
Recital del vincitore del concorso pianistico internazionale Ferruccio Busoni, edizione 2007
Ticket € 25

Saturday 8th September, Villa Rufolo Belvedere, at 19.30
Symphonic Music
UBS Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra
Director: Dimitry Sitkovetsky
Pianist: Gabriela Montero
Musics: Beethoven, Mendelssohn
In collaboration with UBS
Central tribune € 50, Lateral tribune € 40 - Gardens € 30

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