The building of Castel Nuovo, known also as Maschio Angioino, began in 1279, under Carlo I d'Angiò, planned by the French architect Pierre de Chaule. During Roberto d'Angiò's reign, the Castle became a centre of culture that hosted artists, doctors and literary men such as Giotto, Petrarca and Boccaccio. The Aragonenses with Alfonso I succeded them. He, like his predecessors, took up residence in Castel Nuovo, refurbished it and built on the outside the imposing Triumph Arch between Torre di Mezzo and Torre della Guardia, to celebrate his victorious entering into the city of Naples. The structure of the Aragonenses's building is more massive than the previous one and quite like the one standing today, renewed in the first years of the century. At present, the site is for cultural meetings and houses the Civic Museum with a path among the Scala dell'Armeria, the Palatine Chapel, the 1st and 2nd floor of the southern curtain wall, Carlo V Room and Sala della Loggia. The fourteenth century Palatine Chapel keeps items, holy ornaments and works by Caracciolo, Solimena and Giordano together with modern art paintings. The first floor has mainly religious works from former churches and boards, on the second floor works from the eighteenth to the twentieth century with a precious painting collection of the Neapolitan Nineteenth century are displayed per themes.
Castel Nuovo
Maschio Angioino
Piazza Municipio
Tel. 081.7955877
Closed on Sundays
Open: Mon to Sat
Hours: 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. last tickets 6.00 p.m.
Tickets fares: Adults € 5, 00 - under 18 - over 65 - Students of Art free. Groups 20% off - School groups free