The foundation stone was blessed on 6th april 1693. The plant, Latin cross-shaped, was devised by Angelo Italia, whereas Antonio Mastrogiacomo from Ferla and Michelangelo Alessi from Siracusa were the architects. Worthy of note is the so-called "a torre" towered facade, prototype of all the churches rebuilt in the Val di Noto after the 1693 erathquake. It overlooks onto the coutyard, embellished with some statues representing saints; it was the firts burial place of the town. Besides the elegant immense portal, precious are the inner paintings of the XVIII century as the Nuptials of the Holy Virgin and the Rosary Virgin: interesting are the Baroque chapels ornamented with the statue of Madonna del Lume, coming from Malta, and that one of the Immaculate Conception, commissioned to Giovanni Villamaci da Messina in 1711. Remarkable is the chapel of the SS. sacramento, delimited by wrought ironed railings. Inside there are roccocò stucco and, on the vault, the painting representing the Sacrifice of Noè, attributed to Vincenzo Provenzani. At the sides there is the Deposition of 1778 and the Crucifix used for the Holy Friday's procession. The crypt was designed in 1769 by Giuseppe Alessi, monk and architect of the town.
(souce: "Avola, la città esagonale")