P' 'e vicule d'Amalfi
se 'mpizza e trase 'o sole
passanno 'a nu pertuso
'a na fenesta aperta
P' 'e vicule d'Amalfi
si saglie truove 'o cielo
si scinne arrive a mare
P' 'e vicule d'Amalfi
'a gente va e vene
chi porta 'a spesa a' casa
chi va cu 'e figlie a' scola
chi se ferma 'ncantato
chi parla cu ll'amice
P' 'e vicule d'Amalfi
nce stanno tante chiesie
sant'Anna piccerella
l'ata chiù grussarella
nce sta l'Addullurata
vicino 'a Chiesia Nova
ca è vecchia de mill'anne
e po' santa Lucia
e pure santo Jaco
P' 'e vicule d'Amalfi
saglienno chianu chianu
tu arrive a santu Biase
ca è quase 'mparaviso
arape ll'uocchie e guarda
d' 'o capo 'a Luna a 'o puorto
tutto 'sto munno è 'o tujo
'a chiazza cu 'a funtana
'e grade 'e sant'Andrea
cu l'atrio e cu 'o fruntone
lucente 'e sole e d'oro
e 'a campana ca sona
comm'a 'na voce 'e Dio.
Sigismondo Nastri*
Sigismondo Nastri, journalist, writer and professor, lover of the Amalfi coast and active participant in the cultural life of the Divine coast.
The sun seeps into Amalfi's narrow streets, passing through every crack or window; here you can find the daily life of Amalfi people: who brings the shopping home, who talks, who admire the view, who takes the children to school. There are also many churches in Amalfi's alleys (Church of St. Anne, Church of Our Lady of Sorrow, Church of St. Lucy, Church of St. James, Church of St. Biagio) and, climbing up to the top of the town, it is possible to admire an unique natural landscape: the wonderful coastal strip, the main square, the Cathedral of St. Andrew with its impressive staircase and the belltower, whose bells seem to express God's words.