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It is a small town in the province of Pescara between the river Nora to the North and the river Cigno to the South, the territory was formerly called Fellonica (and, subsequently, Follonica) and was inhabited by the Vestini. With the arrival of the Barbarians, the population sheltered in the nearby hills and around the year 1000, a castle was erected. Recently, in the surrounding countryside finds of pre-Roman and Roman Ages have been brought to light. Over the centuries Nocciano submitted the rule of several Lords and their families: the Sterlich-Aliprandi, the Riccardis of Ortona, the d'Afflitto, the Rovito, the Tommaso of Collalto the Camponeschi, the Pavese and the Valignani (XIV-XIX)
The town's name derives, according to some historians, to its location on the summit of a walnut (Nux) shaped hill, which also appears in the municipality coat of arms.

Not to miss:
- the castle, recently restored, today houses a Museum of Contemporary Art. The building was edified around the year 1000, to defend the population from the continuous raids of the Barbarians. The defensive structure of the castle is evident by the presence of cellars, traps and a secret passage that leads into the open countryside. The castle, over the years, even after renovations, still preserves the battlements, its lintels, its ceilings, an interior cloister and a gallery lodge.
- the Church of San Lorenzo, in the Romanesque style;
- the Church of St. Anthony of Padua (XVI-XVII century), decorated with Baroque plasterwork, altarpieces and paintings of great value;
- the Church of the Madonna delle Grazie, in Romanesque style with frescoes of the XIV and XV centuries;
- the small Church of San Rocco, with an XVIII century painting of the Saint;
- the XIV century Church of Saint Vittorino;
- the enchanting cloister of the former Franciscan convent, now privately owned.


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