The origins of the town's name are uncertain: for some historians it derives from the Latin word "corniatu" (a place to play the horn), while for others it derives from Latin, the name of a person "Coroniacus". Municipality in the province of Turin, located between the Valley dell'Orco and the Valley Soana in a large amphitheater, produced in the glacial ages and wet from the river Orco.
In the eastern part of the village stand the ancient ramparts, with large walls that protect the town since the Middle Ages. Parallel to the wall and inside runs a road called cursera, from which depart all the pathways and streets. The town is famous for its traditional copper crafts.
The first settlement Canava, from which derives the name Canavese, was destroyed by a flood of the river around year 1000. During the Roman colonization the territory was an important castrum assigned to the town of Augusta Taurinorum. During the Middle Ages, the town belonged to the Valperga and was scenario of conflicts between local families and enemies and plagued by epidemics. It was involved in the "Revolt of the Turchini", started by the Marquis of Monferrato, enemy of Savoy, that ended with the intervention of Amadeus VII. Subsequently Courgnè shared the same fate and events of the House of Savoy and was invaded by troops from France, Spain and Austria. After the fall of the Napoleon, the town became dominion of the Savoy.
- the XII century Parish Church of St Dalmazzo, which today presents a façade with elements of the last refurbishment, completed in the early XIX century. Inside is preserved a Byzantine painting depicting Our Lady of Rivassola;
- the Church of the Holy Trinity, which retains an altarpiece of the artist Perucca dating from the late XVII century;
- the Church of San Giovanni, which preserves valuable paintings of Bassetti from Orta;
- the Square Tower, which seems to have Roman origins;
- the Tower Carlevatto with a circular base, dating from the XIV century;
- the Clock Tower;
- the Medieval historic center, in which is located in the house of King Arduino, a Gothic style palace built in the XIV century;
- the Sacred Mount of Belmonte, which was built by friar Michelangelo Montiglio between the XVIII and XIX centuries and has been recently awarded the title of UNESCO World Heritage Site;
- the Archaeological Museum, a permanent exhibition of various periods.